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My name is Jovanka and I am the founder of

Perfect Health Design project.

Great to see you here and looking forward to hear comments and feedback you may have.


We grow the World together!

Who I am ...

An infinite optimist with love for life. 

I believe in infinite possibilities and perfection. 

Educator - Designer 

What I do ...

People know me as an Aerospace engineer and Energy Medicine practitioner. These two areas are the main global focus of my work.

I love both nature and designing shortcut solutions.

Aerospace and Energy Medicine ... The Link ...

Living on the Infinity Path means taking life as a platform for experimenting. Each experience is an opportunity for a small research, and throughout life we are writing our Life PhD thesis. Doing a PhD in Aerospace was an opening into the full-scale research of life. 

At the times of a transition into a corporate world I started experiencing health imbalances, and that was when my views on life started to reshape. From the challenge I took the power to embark onto designing the healing program that suited my beliefs and character. It all came quite by surprise ... and there I was, an engineer, yet confidently creating a private library and choosing alternative healing options that involved Acupuncture and Yoga. By dedicating time for practice I helped restore hormonal balance in the most beautiful way - My daughter was then born in the most enjoyable and natural way, the one I never heard any other women spoke of before, although some readings were suggesting it as a possibility!  


Since that time I am passionate about exploring ways to help others break through the life challenges by learning about who we really are, Beings of Infinite Potentials.

By embracing challenges we create so much space for the knowledge growth. 

Where I live ...

Mountains, Rivers, Sea, Wind, Coast, Forest, Flowers .... 




When I made this drawing of my hand, on a May morning 20 years ago, around 4am, and after finishing the overnight studies for my exhams ... it was not obvious where it all suddenly came from.


Looking back from this perspective when Energy Medicine work is part of my life it all makes much more sense. 

I love how the intuition gives us signs on our life path!

Energy work was always important part of my life and I tend to experiment with the variety of "dynamic meditation" practices like cooking, sawing, gardening ....


We can recover our mind so well by stepping out of the main job into anything else we enjoy doing.


Performing activities that we are passionate about enrich the mind and spirit and activate the most valuable energy circuits - so we feel more balanced, happy and complete!  

Life is full of surprises and if allow that it takes us to most magnificent experiences.  

Vision ...

In a place of infinite possibilities ...

Equal opportunities ....

Infinite space ....

Finding our alignment, optimum place to be ...

Where we can manifest our potentials ...

* ~ 8 ~ *

Embracing the approach for conscious living where all of us have got an important role and something valuable to give.

Promoting global growth and prosperity.

From a PhD to a PHD ...

Living on the Infinity Path means taking life as a platform for experimenting. Each experience is an opportunity for a small research, and throughout life we are writing our Life PhD thesis.


Moving from one form of an energy work (science, aerospace) into healing and more direct (interactive) work with energy can be the most natural thing that can happen to us.


If we think of anything we do in our lives, it is beautiful energy work!


  • Dipl. Ing., PhD Aerospace

  • Yoga Teacher Induction Training

  • EEM Certified Practitioner 

  • Member of the Kinesiology Federation

Passions ...






Energy Medicine Forms

you can explore with

Perfect Health Design

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